St. Briavels Assembly Rooms
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Would you like to contribute to YOUR Assembly Rooms in some way?
St. Briavels Assembly Rooms belong to the local communities of St. Briavels, Hewelsfield & Brockweir, being thr charitiy's named beneficiaries.
Can you help out, either by volunteering your time to assist with fund raising events or maybe even hold your own fund rasier? Or you can make a donation of any size? All would be beneficial to your local community and future generations to come. Either contact one of the committee on the 'Contacts' page, or -
You can make A cheque payable to ‘The St. Briavels Assembly Rooms Ltd’ and post it through our letterbox at the Assembly Rooms, or post to: St. Briavels Assembly Rooms, East Street, St.Briavels, Lydney, Glos GL15 6TG
It is also vital that we have as much input and feedback as possible on what the parishioners of St.Briavels want from the Assembly Rooms in the future, so that it can be considered during re-development. The bigger plans can only be made as funds grow, but have your say on YOUR Assembly Rooms' future by sending your comments & ideas to .
A very big THANK YOU to those of you who already contribute in some way.
Please keep your eye on our forthcoming events or subscribe to our mailing list by sending a request to be added to
[St. Briavels Assembly Rooms Registered Charity Numbers: 301610 / 1124367. Registered charitable company: 6558465
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